Why use Mimic

Highly customizable

Tasks within the Mimic protocol are highly customizable, allowing users to tailor their automated operations based on various parameters and conditions. The following are key ways in which tasks can be customized:

  1. Market conditions: Mimic enables users to configure tasks based on market conditions such as gas price or transaction cost limits. Users can set specific thresholds to ensure that tasks are executed only when the market conditions meet their desired criteria. This customization empowers users to optimize their transaction costs and adapt to changing market dynamics, allowing them to execute tasks at the most favorable times.

  2. Frequencies or time-locks: Users have the flexibility to define the frequencies at which tasks should be triggered. They can set specific time intervals or time-locks to control when the tasks are executed. This customization option allows users to automate tasks according to their preferred schedules or specific time-based strategies, ensuring precise execution at desired intervals.

  3. Amount thresholds: With Mimic, users can set amount thresholds for task execution. They can define minimum or maximum thresholds for token amounts, ensuring that tasks are triggered only when specific amounts are met. This customization feature enables users to implement strategies that are contingent on certain token balances, liquidity levels, or specific asset allocations within their DeFi portfolios.

  4. Token lists: Mimic supports task customization based on token lists. Users can define specific lists of tokens that are eligible for task execution, ensuring that tasks are limited to a curated selection of assets.

By offering these customizable options, Mimic empowers users to fine-tune their automated DeFi operations according to their specific requirements and preferences. This level of customization allows users to optimize their strategies, adapt to market conditions, and align with their risk profiles.

Standard integrations

The connectors provided by Mimic are meticulously designed to ensure compatibility and interoperability with popular DeFi protocols. These connectors establish secure and efficient connections with external platforms, enabling users to leverage the functionalities and liquidity of these protocols within their automated tasks. Whether it's interacting with decentralized exchanges, lending platforms, yield aggregators, or other DeFi protocols, Mimic's connectors provide the necessary bridges for seamless integration.

Mimic's connector architecture promotes flexibility and extensibility, allowing developers to build new connectors or enhance existing ones. This modular approach enables the Mimic ecosystem to adapt and grow alongside the rapidly evolving DeFi landscape. By embracing open standards and modular design principles, Mimic encourages innovation and collaboration within the DeFi community.

No human error

By delegating task execution to Mimic relayers, users can enjoy a hassle-free experience, without the need to actively manage or monitor the execution process themselves. The relayers handle the task execution in a secure and reliable manner, adhering to the predefined configurations set by the users. This delegation model empowers users to focus on their DeFi strategies and goals, while the execution of tasks is seamlessly handled by the Mimic infrastructure.

With Mimic relayers, users can trust that their tasks will be executed faithfully and efficiently, leveraging the benefits of decentralized automation without sacrificing control or security. This delegation mechanism not only simplifies the user experience but also ensures the scalability and performance of the Mimic ecosystem.


Mimic is designed to operate across multiple blockchains, offering users the flexibility to leverage various chains for their DeFi operations. The deployment process of Mimic ensures that different instances running on different chains can seamlessly interact with each other, eliminating the need for users to worry about interchain operability.

Despite running on different chains, Mimic ensures a smooth and frictionless experience for users across instances. By abstracting the complexities of interchain operability, Mimic liberates users from the burden of managing and coordinating interactions between different instances. Users can focus on defining their tasks, customizing their configuration, and maximizing their DeFi operations without being encumbered by the technical nuances of multi-chain setups.

Mimic's commitment to multi-chain support ensures that users have the flexibility and freedom to optimize their DeFi operations across different blockchain networks. It empowers users to navigate the ever-expanding landscape of decentralized finance and access the benefits of different chains without the complexities of interchain operability.

Isolated environment

A notable feature of the Mimic protocol is its strong emphasis on treating users' deployed components in an independent and isolated manner. This means that users' tasks and components operate autonomously, without colluding or interfering with one another.

Each user's Smart Vaults, Tasks, and other deployed components are treated as separate entities, ensuring that the actions performed by one user's tasks do not impact or interfere with the operations of another user's tasks. This isolation guarantees the integrity and security of users' DeFi operations, providing a trustless and reliable environment for automated DeFi activities.

Last updated